About UOB APAC Green REIT ETF (the "Fund")

Asia Pacific continues to lead the world in economic growth, with real estate as a key sector. With the increasing demand for sustainable buildings and practices, there is an expected increase in rents and capital gains for green buildings. This gives rise to a unique investment opportunity.

The UOB APAC Green REIT ETF (the “Fund”) is the world's first APAC Green Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) ETF. The Fund aims to replicate the iEdge-UOB APAC Yield Focus Green REIT index (the “Index”). Developed by Singapore Exchange (SGX) as part of the SGX iEdge product suite, in collaboration with UOBAM, the index selects and covers 50 higher-yielding REITs listed across the region that display relatively better environmental performance based on Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB)'s real estate assessment, while also meeting liquidity requirements.1

GRESB is the global leader for Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) research of real assets, covering over 2,000 property companies, REITS, funds and developers with US$8.8 trillion in assets under management.2 For this index, the underlying REITs are weighted by their relative environmental performance using GRESB data for indicators such as energy and water consumption, greenhouse gas emissions and green building certifications, in addition to their ESG performance.1



Why Invest

Why invest in Asia Pacific REITs?

Historically outperformed the broader Asia Pacific equity market

APAC REITs delivered an annual return of 7.5%, outperforming MSCI AC Asia Pacific Index's annual return of 7.1% as of end June 20243.



Potential turning point

Although APAC REITs have been pressured by the current interest rate environment, growing expectations of two US interest rate cuts in 2024 have lifted returns in recent months, contributing to a brighter outlook for the sector.


Regular income and returns

High dividends are backed by the stable stream of contractual rents paid by the tenants of the properties in the portfolio. Specifically, the UOB APAC Green REIT ETF aims for semi annual distribution5 to deliver this high dividend yield to investors, and potential capital appreciation from the underlying real estate assets.



REITs offer diversification benefits to a portfolio. Real estate assets often perform differently than traditional stocks and bonds; allocating some into a portfolio could potentially improve the overall risk adjusted return.


Why invest in APAC Green REITs?

Investing in APAC Green REITs is compelling due to the significant global demand for green infrastructure development, which offers attractive opportunities for investors.


Shift towards development of green buildings

Green buildings with the following features are of higher value, which appeals more to stakeholders like tenants, consumers and investors alike.


Green buildings aim to be of9:


Rising awareness and demand on sustainability10

With this increased focus on the global climate, the demand for green buildings and practices aimed at lowering carbon and other greenhouse emissions have also risen, especially in Asia. This presents significant growth potential for sustainable investments in the region.


By 2030, green buildings are projected to create US$17.8 trillion in investment opportunities led by Asia (excluding central Asia), further emphasising on this growing investment potential.11


Why invest in the Fund?

The Fund has the potential to deliver both income and capital gains. It aims to:


The Asset Triple A Sustainable Investing 2023

The Fund has been awarded Best Sustainability ETF by The Asset Triple A Sustainable
Investing Awards 2023*.

*Please refer to uobam.com.sg/awards for the latest list of UOBAM awards.

More information

Fund details


UOB Asset Management Ltd


State Street Trust (SG) Limited


iEdge-UOB APAC Yield Focus Green REIT Index

Stock Exchange

Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited

Management Fee13

Currently 0.45% p.a. ; maximum 2% p.a.

Trustee Fee13

Currently not more than 0.05% p.a.

Audit fees, and other fees and charges13

Subject to agreement with the relevant parties. Each of the fees or charges may amount to or exceed 0.1% p.a. of the NAV of the Fund, depending on the proportion that each fee or charge bears to the NAV of the Fund.
Please refer to the fund prospectus for more details.

No of Constituents


Distribution policy

The current distribution policy is to make semi-annual distributions as we may from time to time determine.

Distributions may be made out of income, capital gains and/or capital. The declaration or payment of distributions (whether out of capital or otherwise) may have the effect of lowering the NAV of the relevant Sub-Fund or Class. Moreover, distributions out of capital may amount to a reduction of part of your original investment and may result in reduced future returns.

Listing Date

23 November 2021

Currency Class

Class SGD Unit

Trading Currencies

Primary currency: SGD | Secondary currency: USD

Trading Size

Buy/sell on SGX: Trading Board Lots of 1 unit
Subscribe/redeem through Participating Dealer: Minimum 100,000 units

Designated Market Maker

Phillip Securities Pte Ltd

Authorised Participants

DBS Vickers Securities (Singapore) Pte Ltd
Flow Traders Asia Pte Ltd
iFAST Financial Pte Ltd (FSMOne, iFAST Global Markets, iFAST Central, iFAST Prestige)
Futu Singapore Pte Ltd (Moomoo)
Phillip Securities Pte Ltd
UOB Kay Hian Pte Ltd

NAV per unit

Please refer to Fund Prices

Tracking Difference and Tracking Error

Please refer to Fund Factsheet


Some of the risks specific to an investment in the Fund include:

Market risk
The price of securities comprised in the portfolio of the Fund and the Units, and the income from them, may be influenced by political and economic conditions, changes in interest rates, the earnings of the REITs whose securities are comprised in the portfolio, and the market's perception of the securities.

Liquidity risk
The extent of market liquidity is dependent on the size and state of the markets and therefore affects the Fund's ability to acquire or dispose of assets at the price and time it so desires.

Concentration risk
The Index Securities will be comprised of REITs listed in several Asia Pacific markets, particularly Japan, Australia and Singapore, amongst other jurisdictions, which may cause the Fund to be less diversified as compared to a fund that invests in REITs globally. To the extent that a property sector or a geographical region in which the Index Securities are concentrated in falls out of favour, the Fund's performance may be negatively affected.

Risk of investing in REITs
Some REITs may have limited diversification and may be subject to risks inherent in financing a limited number of properties.
There is currently no standard market consensus of what "Green" means in the context of REITs and there may be other definitions of "Green" REITs. However, we are utilising GRESB as a data provider and GRESB is recognised by the industry to be a leading ESG provider for assessment of real estate assets. GRESB Environmental data is used to determine the "Greenness" of REITs.

Passive Investment
The Fund is not actively managed. Accordingly, a decline in world market segments that affect the Index may affect the Fund.

Tracking Error Risk
There is no assurance that the Fund will be able to fully track the performance of the Index. "Tracking error" is the difference between the performance of a fund's portfolio and that of its underlying index. The NAV of the Fund may not correlate exactly with the Index and changes in the NAV of the Fund are unlikely to replicate exactly changes in the Index.

Foreign Exchange Risk
As the investments of the Fund may be denominated in currencies other than SGD, fluctuations of the exchange rates of such currencies against the base currency of the Fund (i.e. SGD) may have an impact on the income and investments of the Fund and affect the value of Units. The Fund may therefore be exposed to foreign exchange/currency risks.

Risk of Green REIT investing
There is currently no standard market consensus of what "Green" means in the context of REITs and there may be other definitions of "Green" REITs. The Fund relies on the Index Provider for the identification of securities for inclusion in the Index that reflect the environmental theme of "green REIT", as set forth in the Index's methodology. The Index Provider uses assessment done by an independent research firm, GRESB.

ESG Regulatory Risk
The regulatory framework with respect to sustainable investments is constantly developing and evolving. The lack of common or harmonised definitions and labels regarding ESG and sustainability criteria or clear guidelines on the required level of disclosure may result in different approaches by asset managers when integrating ESG and sustainability criteria into investment decisions and updating the marketing documentation of an investment vehicle.

Please refer to the Prospectus for further details, including a full description of the above risks as well as other risks that may be associated with an investment into units of the UOB APAC Green REIT ETF.

1 Source: SGX press release dated 15 October 2021.
2 Source: GRESB, Global investors expand engagement on ESG and GRESB participation in APAC region to include infrastructure companies, 22 May 2024.
3 Source: UOBAM, Bloomberg, as of 30 June 2024.
4 Source: UOBAM, Bloomberg, as of 30 June 2024.
5 Distributions (in SGD) are not guaranteed. Distributions may be made out of income, capital gains and/or capital. This relates to the disclosed distribution policy as set out in the Fund’s prospectus.
6 Source: UOBAM, Bloomberg, as of end 2023.
7 Source: Morningstar Direct, Time Period: 31 January 2009 – 30 June 2024. Equity – MSCI AC World Index, Bonds – Bloomberg Global Agg Index, APAC REIT – S&P Asia Pacific REIT Index.
8 1.5°C is the goal of the Paris Agreement, calling for countries to take concerted climate action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in order to limit global warming.
9 Source: Green Buildings, “A Finance and Policy Blueprint for Emerging Markets”, Internaitonal Finance Corporation 2019, Morgan Stanley Capital International 2021.
10 Source: JLL Research, 2023; JLL’s Sustainability and Value - London Offices Investment report. Note: All three studies calculated green premiums using a hedonic pricing model, meaning that the impact on rental values from environmental certification was isolated from other effects, such as building age and location.
11 Source: “Green Buildings: A Finance and Policy Blueprint for Emerging Markets”, International Finance Corporation, 2019.
12 Distributions are not guaranteed. Distributions may be made out of income, capital gains and/or capital. For further details on the Fund’s distribution policy, please refer to the section on “Fund details”.
13 For details on fees and charges (including fees and charges payable on subscriptions), please refer to the Fund’s prospectus.

10 December 2024 Change in Directors of UOBAM
3 September 2024 Change in Designated Market Maker
3 September 2024 Reduction in Application Unit Size and Minimum Amount
12 October 2023 Change in Distribution Policy - UOB APAC Green REIT ETF
5 September 2023 Change in Directors of UOBAM
20 October 2022 Change in Distribution Policy
17 February 2022 Change in Directors of UOBAM
17 January 2022 Change in Board Lot Size
23 November 2021 UOB Asset Management lists world’s first Asia Pacific green REIT ETF
15 October 2021 SGX and UOBAM partner to launch yield-focused iEdge-UOB APAC Green REIT index, supported by GRESB data





Fund Prospectus

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Fund Factsheet

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Fund Commentary

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How to purchase

Investing for Individuals

Investing for Individuals

Available for subscription on:


DBS Vickers Securities (Singapore) Pte Ltd
Flow Traders Asia Pte Ltd
iFAST Financial Pte Ltd ( FSMOne , iFAST Global Markets, iFAST Central, iFAST Prestige)
Futu Singapore Pte Ltd
Phillip Securities Pte Ltd
UOB Kay Hian Pte Ltd


Investing for Institutions

Investing for Institutions

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This document is for general information only. It does not constitute an offer or solicitation to deal in units (“Units”) in the UOB APAC Green REIT ETF (the ”Fund”) or investment advice or recommendation and was prepared without regard to the specific objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular person who may receive it.

The information contained in this document, including any data, projections and underlying assumptions, are based upon certain assumptions, management forecasts and analysis of information available and reflects prevailing conditions and the views of UOB Asset Management Ltd (“UOBAM”) as of the date of this document, all of which are subject to change at any time without notice. In preparing this document, UOBAM has relied upon and assumed, without independent verification, the accuracy and completeness of all information available from public sources or which was otherwise reviewed by UOBAM. While the information provided herein is believed to be reliable, UOBAM makes no representation or warranty whether express or implied, and accepts no responsibility or liability for its completeness or accuracy. Nothing in this document shall, under any circumstances constitute a continuing representation or give rise to any implication that there has not been or there will not be any change affecting the Fund. No representation or promise as to the performance of the Fund or the return on your investment is made. Past performance of the Fund or UOBAM and any past performance or prediction, projection or forecast of the economic trends or securities market are not necessarily indicative of the future or likely performance of the Fund or UOBAM. The value of Units and the income from them, if any, may fall as well as rise, and is likely to have high volatility due to the investment policies and/or portfolio management techniques employed by the Fund. Investments in Units involve risks, including the possible loss of the principal amount invested, and are not obligations of, deposits in, or guaranteed or insured by United Overseas Bank Limited (“UOB”), UOBAM, or any of their subsidiary, associate or affiliate (“UOB Group”) or distributors of the Fund. The Fund may use or invest in financial derivative instruments and you should be aware of the risks associated with investments in financial derivative instruments which are described in the Fund's prospectus. The UOB Group may have interests in the Units and may also perform or seek to perform brokering and other investment or securities-related services for the Fund.

Investors should note that the Fund is not like a conventional unit trust in that an investor cannot redeem his Units directly with UOBAM and can only do so through the participating dealers, either directly or through a stockbroker if his redemption amount satisfies a prescribed minimum that will be comparatively larger than that required for redemptions of units in a conventional unit trust. The list of participating dealers can be found at www.uobam.com.sg. An investor may therefore only be able to realise the value of his Units by selling the Units on the Singapore Exchange Limited (“SGX”). Investors should also note that any listing and quotation of Units on the SGX does not guarantee a liquid market for the Units. 

An investment in unit trusts is subject to investment risks and foreign exchange risks, including the possible loss of the principal amount invested. Investors should read the Fund’s prospectus, which is available and may be obtained from UOBAM or any of its appointed agents or distributors, before deciding whether to subscribe for or purchase any Units. You may wish to seek advice from a financial adviser before making a commitment to invest in any Units, and in the event that you choose not to do so, you should consider carefully whether the Fund is suitable for you.

The Fund is not in any way sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by and/or its affiliates and SGX and/or its affiliates make no warranty or representation whatsoever, expressly or impliedly, either as to the results to be obtained from the use of the iEdge-UOB APAC Yield Focus Green REIT Index (the “Index”) and/or the figure at which the Index stands at any particular time on any particular day or otherwise, The Index is administered, calculated and published by SGX. SGX shall not be liable (whether in negligence or otherwise) to any person for any error in the Fund and the Index and shall not be under any obligation to advise any person of any error therein.

 “SGX” is a trade mark of SGX and is used by the Index under license. All intellectual property rights in the Index vest in SGX.

The use of UOB's name, logo or trademark on this document in relation to the Fund is not representative of the views of UOB. UOB is not the offeror or manager of the Fund and does not perform any investment nor advisory role to UOBAM as a consequence of the use of the word “UOB” in the Fund’s name. UOB is not responsible for the performance of the Fund nor is UOB involved in the manner with which UOBAM manages the Fund. No recommendation or advice is given by UOB of any kind and this document was prepared without regard to the specific objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular person who may receive it. UOB assumes no direct or consequential liability for any errors in or reliance upon this document.

This advertisement has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.