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  United SGD Fund Class B SGD ACC  80%

  United SGD Money Market Fund Class B SGD  20%

Cash+ Xtra Portfolio Allocation

Portfolio underlying funds allocation as of 31 January 2025.

About Cash+ Xtra

How can you lock in higher yields when Singapore interest and T-bill rates are both falling? Cash+ Xtra offers competitive yields plus you can withdraw your cash whenever needed. There are also opportunities for your capital to grow further. As a conservative risk portfolio, Cash+ Xtra may be an ideal choice for investors seeking flexibility for their funds.

Top Mutual Funds Award 2023
Best Asset management House in Asia Award for 20 years
Best Digital Wealth Management in Asia 2023
Best Robo Advisory Initiative 2022 and 2023

Depending on market conditions, the portfolio may include an allocation to the United Singapore Bond Fund for growth opportunities.

  1. The United SGD Fund was selected as the Best-In-Class for Singapore Fixed Income at the Benchmark Fund of the Year Award 2023.
  2. The United SGD Money Market Fund is a Morningstar top quartile performer over a YTD, 1-year and 3-year time frame, as of March 2023.

Here is how you can make your cash work harder

In tune with market icon
In tune with the market

Designed to respond to different market conditions by offering stability and capital preservation in downmarkets, and higher yields and capital gains in upmarkets.

Low Fees icon
Low fees

Underlying fund fees are kept low through access to the institutional share classes.

UOBAM Invest Cash+ Xtra App Screen

*All screens shown are for illustrations only.

Low Risk Icon
Lower risk

Suitable for the conservative investor, the portfolio holds high-quality, low-risk assets such as T-Bills, MAS Bills and investment-grade bonds.

No Lock-in Icon
No lock-in

No maturity period, platform fees, withdrawal penalties, and hidden charges.

Suitable for everyone who is looking to earn more from their cash

Cash+ Xtra is a low-risk portfolio that is geared towards stability and capital preservation but has the flexibility to tilt towards higher-yielding bonds when market conditions are supportive. It is suitable for anyone who wants to earn higher yields on their idle cash, is keen to counteract today’s high inflation, and has a minimum investment horizon of one year.

This portfolio has no maturity period so you can continue to hold this investment as long as you like or add to your investment amount whenever you want to. You can also choose to set up a regular savings plan (RSP) for hassle-free monthly or quarterly top-ups. On the other hand, should you need your cash back urgently, you can redeem your investment with no withdrawal charges.

*Note that the value of investments may fluctuate according to market conditions and no representation or promise as to the performance of the portfolio or its funds or the return on your investment is made.

Portfolio Risk: Conservative


About this portfolio

Recommended Horizon At least 1 year
Minimum Investment From S$1
Max Drawdown* -3.37%
Withdrawal Time to Bank 3 - 5 Business days

Fees & charges

Advisory Fees 0.05% p.a.
Annual Management Fees Refer to respective fund prospectus
Platform Charges Free
Withdrawal Fee Free

*Max Drawdown refers to the maximum observed loss from a peak to a trough of a portfolio, before a new peak is attained. It is an indicator of downside risk over a specified time period.

 Get potential higher yields

  Offset inflationary pressures

Grow your emergency funds

Save for an upcoming expense

Various funding option available:

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Regular Savings Plan (RSP) is supported for the UOBAM Cash+ Xtra portfolio.

Dharmo Soejanto Profile Picture

Money market funds and very short-term bonds are currently providing some of the best interest rates we have experienced in quite some time. This is a significant turn from the near-zero rates seen since the great Financial Crisis. Investors now have a prime opportunity to move cash from low-yielding savings accounts into these options, which present the chance to earn potentially higher returns with very low risk.

Dharmo Soejanto — Chief Investment Strategist, UOB Asset Management Digital Solutions

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is there a minimum investment amount for Cash+ Xtra?

    You can start earning more with your cash from just S$1.

  • How do I receive gains from Cash+ Xtra?

    Cash+ Xtra returns are accrued daily and automatically reflected in your portfolio net asset value (NAV). The NAV may increase or decrease as the value of the underlying funds increases or decreases, respectively.

  • When can I receive my cash after making a withdrawal from Cash+ Xtra?

    It takes up to 5 business days to receive your withdrawal proceeds in your bank account.

  • How does UOBAM compute the yield to maturity ("YTM") of the Cash+ Xtra Portfolio?

    The Cash+ Xtra Portfolio's YTM is presented based on the weighted average gross yield to maturity ("YTM") of the Portfolio's underlying funds, less the weighted average Total Expense Ratio ("TER") of the underlying funds, and less the 0.05% p.a. UOBAM Invest Advisory Fee.

    The YTM It is presented in SGD terms and may be affected by the undertaking of discretionary portfolio management strategies such as currency hedging.

  • What is the difference between yield and returns?

    Yield typically refers to the income generated by an investment, such as interest or dividends, expressed as a percentage of the investment's value. It focuses on the income aspect of the investment based on certain assumptions or projections, such as the stated interest rate or dividend yield and it represents the theoretical yield that an investment is expected to generate.

    Returns, on the other hand, encompass both income (yield) and capital appreciation or depreciation of the investment over a specific period. It represents the real income or return realized by an investor over a specific period. Actual returns may differ from expected gross yield due to various factors such as changes in market conditions, fluctuations in interest rates, hedging strategies, unexpected market events, and any other costs and it may be higher or lower than the expected yield as it reflects the actual performance of the investment.

    For example, if you have invested $1,000 in a bond with a 5% annual interest rate, the yield on the bond is 5% because that's the interest rate promised by the bond issuer. However, if the value of the bond increases over time and you sell it for $1,060, your actual return includes both the interest you earned (yield) plus the capital gain from the increased value of the bond. So, while the yield remains at 5%, your actual return of the capital gain would be $60 ($1,060 - $1,000).

  • What fees do I pay?

    There is no platform charges and withdrawal fees. However, there is an advisory fee of 0.05% p.a. and charged quarterly. Assuming the amount you invested is $10,000 for the whole year, your fees will be approximately S$5.

  • Important notice and disclaimers

    For more information on the list of awards won by UOBAM, visit

    This document is for your general information only. It does not constitute investment advice, recommendation or an offer or solicitation to deal in Exchange Traded Funds ("ETFs") or in units in any Unit Trusts ("Unit Trusts", ETFs and Unit Trusts shall together be referred to as "Fund(s)") nor does it constitute any offer to take part in any particular trading or investment strategy. This document was prepared without regard to the specific objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular person who may receive it. The information is based on certain assumptions, information and conditions available as at the date of this document and may be subject to change at any time without notice. If any information herein becomes inaccurate or out of date, we are not obliged to update it. No representation or promise as to the performance of the Fund or the return on your investment is made. Past performance of any Fund or UOB Asset Management Ltd ("UOBAM") and any past performance, prediction, projection or forecast of the economic trends or securities market are not necessarily indicative of the future or likely performance of the Fund or UOBAM. The value of any Fund and the income from them, if any, may fall as well as rise, and may have high volatility due to the investment policies and/or portfolio management techniques employed by the Fund. Investments in any Fund involve risks, including the possible loss of the principal amount invested, and are not obligations of, deposits in, or guaranteed or insured by United Overseas Bank Limited ("UOB"), UOBAM, or any of their subsidiary, associate or affiliate ("UOB Group") or distributors of the Fund. Market conditions may limit the ability of the platform to trade and investments in non-Singapore markets may be subject to exchange rate fluctuations. The Fund may use or invest in financial derivative instruments and you should be aware of the risks associated with investments in financial derivative instruments which are described in the respective Fund's prospectus. The UOB Group may have interests in the Funds and may also perform or seek to perform brokering and other investment or securities-related services for the Fund. Investors should read the Fund's prospectus, which is available and may be obtained from UOBAM or any of its appointed agents or distributors, before investing. You may wish to seek advice from a financial adviser before making a commitment to invest in any Funds, and in the event that you choose not to do so, you should consider carefully whether the Fund is suitable for you. Any reference to any specific country, financial product or asset class is used for illustration or information purposes only and you should not rely on it for any purpose. We will not be responsible for any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly in connection with, or as a result of, any person acting on any information provided in this document. Services offered by UOBAM Invest are subject to the UOBAM Invest Terms and Conditions. Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc. Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC.

    This advertisement has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Services offered by UOBAM Invest are subject to the UOBAM Invest Terms and Conditions.

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